10枚導彈正從裏海方向飛向烏克蘭 札波羅熱一夜「15起爆炸奪命」

A man passes past a rocket crater at playground in city park in center Kyiv, Ukraine, Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2022. Russia on Monday retaliated for an attack on a critical bridge by unleashing its most widespread strikes against Ukraine in months. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky)
烏克蘭外交部副部長澤帕爾(Emine Dzheppar)在推特表示,「俄羅斯恐怖份子在夜間對札波羅熱地區發射至少15枚火箭彈,教育機構、醫療機構與民宅都成為他們的攻擊目標」。
札波羅熱州長史塔魯克(Oleksandr Starukh)也出來證實,12枚S-300飛彈擊中包括學校、藥局、汽車經銷據點等地點。
Zaporizhzhia2 rockets hit a car dealership, as a result 1 person was killed, a fire broke out, the SES officers managed to extinguish it.
Other rockets hit an educational institution.
A school and a clinic were damaged.#Zaporizhzhia #Ukraine #russiaisateroriststate pic.twitter.com/uw3hC6r6OG— Liubov Bondarenko🇺🇦 (@LiubovBon) October 11, 2022
此外,在烏克蘭當地時間11日早上10點,根據【環球網報道】俄羅斯衛星通訊社稱,超過10枚導彈正在從位於俄羅斯車臣共和國東邊的裏海(Caspian Sea)以及薩拉托夫(Saratov)方向飛向烏克蘭。據了解,俄羅斯用的戰略轟炸機上裝的是Tu-95 和 Tu-160 導彈航母,而第一時間觀察是向第聂伯罗波得罗夫斯克(Dnipropetrovsk Oblast) 發射。
Around 7 in the morning on October 11, strategic aircraft of the occupiers – Tu-95 and Tu-160 missile carriers – operate from the Caspian Sea area. X-101/X-555 missiles were fired over the territory of Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/GApFtMdjV5
— ТРУХА⚡️English (@TpyxaNews) October 11, 2022
Missile launches from the Caspian Sea towards the Dnipropetrovsk region.
— Maria Drutska 🇺🇦 (@maria_drutska) October 11, 2022
Launches of cruise missiles from the Caspian Sea, – Kim pic.twitter.com/uGcxaP3z9q
— ТРУХА⚡️English (@TpyxaNews) October 11, 2022