
マルカロワ駐米ウクライナ大使は、ロシアが28日にウクライナ侵攻で真空爆弾を使用したと述べた。写真はロシアとウクライナの国旗。1月撮影(2022年 ロイター/Dado Ruvic)
TVL Trzcianka
For free and independent Ukraine!
Kyiv / Kiev / Kijów, Lwiw / Lwów Live camera
(and sometimes other towns)
We have no rights to camera streams, we re-stream public sources.
We THANKS to all camera source providers.
– I am (I was) a journalist, I believe in freedom of speech. But there are boundaries and topics that we are talking about here.
– Slow mode is for you to choose your words well, and to reflect on what you really want to say.
– Slow mode will not be changed.
– Sound is from camera where red "audio" box is.
Chat rules:
– do not swear, do not fight wars (one is enough),
– trolls please leave, don't use too-many-colours and emoticons.
– do not forget that we are talking about the war in Ukraine – not about the 2nd World War, or about the 50-90s years, etc. and not about USA, NATO, etc. (they do not take part in this war).
– preffered language is english,
For free and independent Ukraine!